Manage time

6 Steps to Manage YourTime

1st: you will need to have available for writing elements (necessary): pencil, pen, paper, computer, pda, PDA, etc.. 

2nd: departs minutes to evaluate what makes up your week (work, home responsibilities, volunteer service, church, etc..) And write

3RD: Identify your priorities, give it numbers in order of importance 

4TH: these priorities are going to list in 2 categories - productive time and recreational time 

- Design your MAP DAILY --

5TH: identifies your days the hours of productive work and leisure tasks, lists of your priority list were those that are categorized according to one or another (some are daily priority responsibilities - like work, others are less frequency). Do this analysis for 7 days a week, and distribute your interests (recommended). Set a fixed time to REST (6 to 7 hours of sleep) and consider including the miscellaneous category (for example, driving from home to work and back your home)


Analyze what is composed of one week - work, kids music lessons, household chores, entertainment (movie, computer, reading a book, etc..), Beauty salon, gym

Priorities - 1st job, 2nd child music classes, 3rd house, 4th gym, 5th salon, 6th entertainment

Categories and analysis for 1 day:

Working 8 hours
Housework, 3 hours

Recreational Weather
Children music lessons, 1 hour
Entertainment, 1 hour

Rest, 7 hours
Misc, 2 hours

Uptime 11 hours = 46%
2 hours recreational time = 8.5%
Half 7 hours = 29%
Misc 2 hours = 8.5%

Administered 22 hours and there are still 2 hours to complete the day what do the assignments?

6th: The analysis for each day of your week is going to help you stay focused, to take the time and identify what is not necessary or is a distraction that will not produce anything of value. Besides being able to see the full picture of your week, the daily list of steps and tasks is your ally. (Use the 80/20 rule: 80% of our achievements come from only 20% of our efforts. The task is to find what that 20% of production, and engage in these activities.)


a) Adjust the time according to energy levels. If you are a person with more energy early in the morning, for example, the most important activities planned at that time. One of the main distractions is to perform several different tasks at once. Set realistic dates for accomplishments, not commit to when we know we will meet difficulties.

b) Always somewhere to write about (ideas, commitments, etc.). well not waste time trying to remember this information when needed.

c) Create a file system / storage that you achieve what you need. A good system for finding things is the most important aspect of time management and organization. Do not accumulate rubbish: check your papers / belongings periodically archive / save what you need, give what you are not using and discard what you have to throw away.

d) Keep clean and tidy the areas where you will be in operation: the disorder prevents productivity and frustrates you.

e) Keep updated lists of priorities.

f) Learn to say no: you do not have to say Yes to everything. Do not feel guilty for saying NO. Be polite, but be clear with the things that are not willing to spend their valuable time on them.

g) Avoid the routine and add excitement to the work, then you reward.


Each person is different and may need to adapt these guidelines to your circumstances. The most important are the benefits you will receive: when you know how you occupy your time, if it really is balanced, in time you tell if the controls you or you control the weather.

Practice these guidelines and recommendations for a week and find out your results. You could realize that the total wasted minutes confirm that you can do more to make your time at leisure or productivity or that in 23 hours you can do what you currently occupies 24 hours what you'll do with that time left? Remember, time is money. Android app