The duration of course is 4 years. The students will take theory and practical examination conducted by The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai at the end of each year. Following the successful completion of training, the degree certificate will be issued by the University, which is registrable in the ‘A’ section of the Register of Tamilnadu Nurses and Midwives council.
It is just at 100m on the national highway from kuzhithurai junction.

Eligibility for Admission

  • Admission is open to both male & female candidates from all parts of India
  • Candidates should have completed 17 years of age (not more than 22 years). 3 years relaxation for OBC and SC/St candidates are allowed. Candidate should have a minimum height of 147cm and weight of 38.5kg.
  • Candidate should have passed +2 with the following groups of subject and secured 45% aggregate in those subjects alone are eligible to apply.
    1. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English
    2. Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and English

Application Procedure
    1. The application form and prospectus can be obtained from the office of the Principal, Annammal College of Nursing on Payment of Rs.150/- in person (or) applying by post, along with a DD of Rs.150/- drawn in favour of Annammal College of Nursing payable at Kuzhithurai with the full address neatly payable at Kuzhithurai with the full address neatly written on the 9”x 6” stamped (10 Rs.) envelope.
    2. The application form is to be filled by the applicant in his/her own hand writing. Full name of the candidate as seen in the school records should be given in the application form.
    3. All informations given in the application form should be correct. Any false information or suppression of any factuals in the application would be a disqualification.
    4. The completed application form should be submitted along with the following attested photo copies of certificates.
      1. Mark Sheet of the qualifying exam
      2. Transfer Certificate, Community Certificate, Age proof certificate (SSLC) and conduct certificate from the Head of the institution last studied.
      3. Physical fitness certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner
      4. Four recently taken passport size and two stamp size photographs
      5. Registration fee Rs.200/- as DD is fovour of “Annammal College of Nursing” payable at Kuzhithurai.

      Filled in application form along with copies of documents should be submitted in duplicate, since one copy has to be submitted to The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai.

Mode of Selection

A list of eligible candidates in order of merit will be prepared by the College Selection Committee on the basis of +2 marks and interview of the candidates.
The unfilled vacancies remaining after the cut off gate will be filled up with candidates in the list so prepared in order of merit.

Admission granted is provisional and subject to:

  • Dr. MGR Medical University/ Tamilnadu Government Norms.
  • The Payment of College & Hostel fees.
  • Submission of Eligibility Certificate.


Application Form

Application form and Prospectus can be obtained from the Office of Annammal School of Nursing on payment by cash / DD/ Money Order drawn in favour of “ Annammal School of Nursing ‘’ payable at Kuzhithurai for Rs. 300/-. For receiving the application by post add Rs. 50/- extra.


  • Only single Female candidates.
  • Should have completed 17years as on 31st December of the year.
  • Candidate should have passed 10+2 (or) an equivalent
  • Candidates should have obtained a minimum of 45% marks in Higher Secondary Examination / Qualifying examination in Science subjects and English.

Submission of Application
  1. The intending candidates must submit their application in the prescribed form to the Principal, Annammal School of Nursing, Kuzhithurai.
  2. Photo copies of the following documents should be enclosed to the application.
  3. Marks sheet of secondary School Leaving Certificate and +2 (or) equivalent.
  4. 5 copies of duly attested passport size photographs.
  5. Conduct certificate from head of the institution, wherein the applicant studied for her qualifying examination.
  6. Migration certificate should be submitted , if the students is from other state other than Tamil Nadu.
  7. Community Certificate
  8. Medial fitness certificate from authorized Medical Practitioner.
  9. Hepatitis B Vaccination certificate.
  10. Application with incomplete information and not accompanied by documents required as above will be rejected.
  11. Candidates called for the interview should bring with them all the above certificates and mark sheets in original

Application Forms download:

B.Sc (Nursing)

Post Basic B.Sc (Nursing)

General Nursing & Midwifery Course Android app