The Arts

Art is any activity or product made by man with purpose aesthetics or communicative, through expressing ideas, emotions or, more generally, a vision of the world, through various resources, such as plastics, language, sound or mixed. Art is a component of culture, reflecting in its conception substrates economic and social, and transmission of ideas and values inherent in every human culture throughout the space and time. It is generally felt that with the emergence of homo sapiens art was in principle a function ritual, magical or religious, but that role changed with the evolution of mankind, becoming an aesthetic component and a social, educational, commercial or merely decorative.

Allegory of Art (1690-1694), of Sebastiano Ricci.

Allegory of Art (1690-1694), of Sebastiano Ricci.
Allegory of Art (1690-1694), of Sebastiano Ricci.
The notion of art today is still subject to profound controversy, as its definition is open to multiple interpretations, which vary according to culture, time, movement, or society for which the term is producing some sense. The word 'art' has a wide meaning and can describe any human activity done with care and dedication, or any set of rules needed to optimally develop an activity: we speak of "cuisine", "medical art", "arts martial "," towed "in the fishing, etc.. In that sense, art is synonymous with capacity, skill, talent, experience. But more commonly is generally regarded art as a creative activity of the human being, which produces a series of objects (works of art) that are unique, and whose purpose is primarily aesthetic. In this context, art would be the generalization of a concept expressed from yesteryear as "fine art", now somewhat obsolete and reduced to areas academic and administrative. Similarly, the use of the word art to carry out other activities has come to be replaced by terms such as 'technical' or 'craft'. This article is understood art as a means of creative human expression.



Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy that seeks to study the essence and perception of beauty. He is formally defined as "science dealing with the beauty of the fundamental theory and philosophy of art."

The David of Michelangelo, Florence.

The David of Michelangelo, Florence.

Aesthetics examines the reasons and emotions, aesthetics, and the different forms of art. The Aesthetic, so defined, is the domain of philosophy that studies art and its qualities such as beauty, eminence, as ugly or dissonance. Since in [[1750] (in its first edition) and 1758 (in its second edition published)] Baumgarten used the word "aesthetics", it was designated as "science of beauty, one to which is added a study the essence of art, its relations with the beauty and other values. Some authors have attempted to substitute another name: calologia, which according to their etymology means science of beauty (kalos, 'beautiful'). Android app