The hunter with his dogs is a painting of the first series of cartoons for tapestries of Francisco de Goya , to the dining room of the Princes of Asturias in the Monastery of El Escorial .
Deadline: May 25, 1775 at the Royal Tapestry Factory of Santa Barbara , was kept until 1869 in the basement of the Palacio Real de Madrid . This is when Gregory Cross Villaamil are discovered and sent to the Museo del Prado . Remains in the collection of it, keeping the catalog number 805 and on display in the room 90.
Its short format indicates that was hung as an ornament in a window, a balcony, or even a corner Cornice.
A hunter with a gun turns back and picks up the running of their two dogs. The wooded setting is appropriate for hunting, a favorite pastime of Prince Charles .
The man looks well integrated with nature and with the dog, which seems to encourage the hunting task. The sinuous movement of the tree helps the vertical composition, contrary to the pyramid structure of other paintings in the series as hunting dogs and supplies .
Again highlights the influence of Bayeu, specifically in the finer details and naturalists. The landscape, surreal and just seen in the distance, is seen as a mere backdrop. The colors and lights reminiscent of the Italian Baroque , whose masterpieces were referred to the Aragonese in their trip to the peninsula in 1771 .?
Francisco de Goya , 1775
Oil on canvas • Rococo
262 cm x 71 cm
Museo del Prado , Madrid , Spain