Vinkle! FAQ.
Vinkle! is a knowledge gaining community where you can earn money too. We are having an adsense revenue sharing program where you can earn 100% revenue from your content. We are addressing few questions here about this site and our money making program. If you did not find answer to any of your question please submit your question as the form of a thread in our forum and we or other members will get back to you soon.
1. What is “Vinkle!”?
Ans: “Vinkle!” is basically a site where people can share their knowledge to the world by their posts like articles, blogs, views, stories etc. Anybody can submit their content and also earn a monetary benefit for their work.
2. How does a user benefit from this site?
Ans: There are many benefits from “Vinkle!” where a member can read interesting articles, latest news, thrilling stories etc. If any thought is buzzing in your mind, then our forum is the right place to discuss about your ideas. You can also ask question for which you might want answer to. You can also connect with your friends and many people from the community section of this site. To signup for Vinkle! please follow this link: Register.
3. How do I earn money from "Vinkle!"?
Ans: We give the opportunity for all the members of our site to make some money for all the information they submit. The process is simple, when you submit an article for us, it will be displayed in our website and those article pages will have your Google ads all the time and when a visitor coming to our site clicks on any ads in your page, you will be credited money to your adsense account. It is explaned in detail in this page.
3. What is community and what is its use?
Ans: Community is a special section in “Vinkle!” where you can find many friends and connect with the other members of the community. You can also view photos and videos uploaded by other users and share yours to us too. You also have the opportunity to share your interests and walls. Members have the opportunity to display their ads to all the visitor to their profile.
4. What is the “Adsense revenue sharing” program that you are running?
Ans. For all the members who submit content to us such as reviews, articles, stories etc. we are offering a chance to display their Google ads all the time when a visitor visits their pages. This means 100% revenue is provided to all the users and revenue is accumulated in the adsense account. Google ads are shown 100% of times to our visitors and when they click you get the money and which is sent to you directly by Google.
5. How and where can I earn money from ads?
Ans: Currently you can earn money from Google Adsense revenue sharing for an unlimited period and this applies to all the section including articles, jobs, bookmarks, schools, colleges, business, community profile etc. Wherever you have your content except in forum discussion.
6. What is the forum section?
Ans: In the forum section you can discuss any topic that comes to your mind. We also have a special feature called “Ask and Know” where all your questions will get satisfactory answers from our expert member panel. You can also introduce yourself to us in the “Welcome Mat” category and write your success story from this site.
7. Are there any charge for the content offered by Vinkle!.
Ans: No, We do not charge any user for using anything from this site and all the services are made free from our advertisers. We also offer good writers to make money from this site by publishing their articles here.
8. Where to contact if I have still more questions and want more information?
Ans: You are always welcome to use our forum to ask questions and doubts regarding our program. We will get back to you soon with all the required info. Please do make good use of this “Adsense Revenue sharing program” to get good reward for your content.
Vinkle! team.