The new doctrine issued by the U.S. Supreme Court in giving carte Blanche to corporations and unions to fund unlimited support or reject ads for political parties has shown much more productive for Republicans than for Democrats. However, the biggest contributor to the legislative campaign for the November 2nd date was not related to any billionaire conservative ideas but the public employee union's largest global giant, which has allocated $ 87.5 million ( about 63 million euros) to the cause of the party of Barack Obama.

President Barack Obama.With 1.6 million members, the federation of workers has not hesitated to resort to an emergency account for nearly 11.5 million euros and bank borrowing to reach that figure without precedent in the world association. The funds will pay for ads on the various television networks, call centers and email campaigns.

At the other end of the spectrum, the Australian magnate Rupert Murdoch has re-emerged as one of the largest individual contributors to donate nearly 900,000 euros to the Republican Governors Association and another million to the Chamber of Commerce USA, which supports conservative causes .
Meanwhile, the president responded yesterday to criticism from gay groups for its slow reaction to outbreaks of intolerance against gays, which has led to a wave of suicides, to ensure that "things will get better." In a televised speech from the White House, Obama said "I do not know what it feels like to be attacked for being gay, but I know what is growing feeling at times that do not belong to that place, is difficult." Android app