The life and death of most fish in captivity is more dependent on water quality in the tanks than any other individual characteristic. Many die of overeating (not excessive voluntary intake). But many fish die from shock or poisoning of water, more than any other possible causes related to captivity. It is important for your pet, have some knowledge of water chemistry of your tank and consulting various texts on the maintenance of aquariums.

Water has many characteristics.

It can include almost any known gas, all the soluble salts have different colors and a range of temperatures ranging from 0.5 ° C, just above freezing to 99.3 ° C, just below boiling.

It may be from acidic to alkaline, depending on the materials dissolved in it. Or it may contain a poison, such as DDT, which has the capacity to kill fish immediately.

All experienced breeders know the characteristics of their water supply closely. They know if your local water company has changed the water intake or more chlorine added to it. They know because they see how fish react when they are installed on your "new" water.

What makes the fish kept in water and die in another?

Generalizing we would say that most fish works well in neutral waters and soft. That is, water with a pH near 7.0. Many fish, especially those that disperse their eggs, place more rapidly in acidic water with a pH between 6.4 and 6.8. Most viviparous, moreover, like many cichlids, seem to prefer slightly alkaline water with a pH near 7.6. Some African cichlids strongly prefer hard, alkaline water, they can thank pH to 8.0.

When you have a fish unknown in his hands, is best kept in water in which you assume will be fine. This assumption is determined by the preferences of kin to the fish that you know well. If the fish is an annual species from Africa or South America, try to keep it in water that you've had success with other fish of the same group. If you start with a fish that knows nothing at all, try to find someone who can help identify him.

Generally speaking, all fish in South America live better in neutral to slightly acidic water with a pH range between 6.4 and 7.0, a temperature between 22 and 26 ° C and as soft as possible, without going to use distilled water or rainwater.

Fish of Central America seem to prefer harder water more alkaline, particularly cichlids and livebearers. They need water with a pH between 7.0 and 7.8, and harder than usual. If your tap water is soft, add a small amount of ionized salts.

The Asian fish have the same requirements as those of South America, while the Australians have the same general requirements as those of Central America. African Fish can be categorized according to their habitat. Fish alkaline lake waters require relatively hard, while the river require soft, acidic waters.

Branch in the shops have cheap kits for pH, hardness and thermometers. You can not raise fish, or even support them without recourse to them.

Another water feature is its color. Acuarófilos Many say they have had great success using only peat which acidifies the water and gives a dark brown at the same time. Others, however, say it is not necessary to use peat as to guarantee the life in the aquariums. Android app