I thought it was interesting to read in job advertisements, the request for a special feature: "Be proactive." But It led me to ask the question of whether everybody knows what it means to be proactive. Therefore I offer in this publication, a little deeper approach to the concept of proactivity, then know this may improve the profile of a candidate for a job, more if you know to apply them in their daily life and (especially) in the resolution problems.
Let's start with the basics.
Let us start with more general concept of the word. Being proactive has come to be synonymous with being proactive, which implies that a person who takes the initiative in the place where it is not off or apathetic, and the best thing is always smiling. In itself, the dynamic is a very interesting dimension, but we will stop for a moment because this conception is that we know best, so any comment would be redundant with what we already know.
However, the dimension that is vital to know the states very clearly and Dr. Stephen Covey, a little before him, Dr. Viktor E. Frankl. In his books basically give us the idea that pro-l is the ability of humans to use their freedom responsibly. That is "freedom" and "accountability" become the watchwords of a proactive person and they learn to take the helm of his own life, to become the true architect (pun intended) of their own destiny.
The key phrase that sums up the pro is: "Between stimulus and response there is a space. The space is the power to choose the answer. The answer lie in growth and human freedom. " Learn and think personally recommend this set with enough time and dedication.
Venture a little further.
The thrust of the statement which we have quoted above is that, regardless of the circumstance that we are going through, we, and only we who decide what our response to that situation. We are not certain, nor for the environment, nor by the circumstances, nor for defects (or virtues) of others. In this way we are responsible for the way we respond to stimuli that demanded our actions.
In other words, the fact that it's raining or sunny weather does not change the quality of people we are, the fact that my girlfriend or wife has me shouting insults in a fit of anger does not change my personal integrity, or if my boss ( or employee) behaved like an incompetent does not affect my own performance. Nobody is responsible for my reactions, it only belongs to me. Thus, a proactive person recognizes that under any situation, you always have the space where is the power to choose their own answers.
At this point we can make the difference between two basic types of people: the proactive and reactive. Reagents act on impulse without thinking through the consequences of their actions or words hurt others and doing so would hurt himself, but not supported (though I recognize) because they believe that offering an apology is a sign of weakness . Then, go through life, accumulating burden of insecurity, sadness, bitterness, reproach, and so on. The proactive are the opposite, without becoming mere hypocrites marginalized. Indeed, take the initiative, say and do things, but no excuses if they fail in others or in the circumstances, but with courage and reflection assume the consequence of their facts, correcting and grow.
The story of Viktor E. Frankl.
The principle of proactivity was ratified by the Austrian psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl, who lived the horrors of Nazi Germany and lost his entire family except one sister. He was educated in the tradition of Freud that somehow we are determined, for our children, by circumstances, and so on. But in the concentration camps found that under the same deplorable situation, some chose to behave like animals, while others acted as true saints.
One day, naked in a cold cell, began to become aware of what he called "the last of human freedoms." And he realized that his captors could take away all freedom circumstantial, but never personal freedom. He could be seen as an active player in the situation urged him instead of herself as a helpless victim, then using a bit of memory plus a little imagination, he began to see himself teaching at the University of the discoveries he had made, through their own experience and that of the other camp prisoners.
The fact is not that easy to be proactive, but proactive people recognize that we are acting with principles that have meditated and internalized, and not based on mere impulsive outbursts.