Bleda (Hungarian chronicles as "Buddha") ( 390 - 445 ) was one of the two chiefs who were the Huns settled in Europe east between 434 and 445 . The other best known leader was Attila , his brother, who inherited the throne with him after the death of his uncle Rua .

At first, Attila and Bleda chose to pursue peace with the Romans. By the treaty of Margus (now Pozarevac ), the Eastern Roman Empire doubled the annual tribute to the Huns and gave them several Germanic tribes who had deserted the Hun army and sought refuge across the Danube . During the 5 years after peace was maintained, and Attila and Bleda took the opportunity to make inroads into the Persian Empire of the Sassanid , but were finally defeated when they tried to conquer Armenia .

In 439 the Huns and Romans accused each other of breaking the treaty of Margus. Consequently, the war resumed between the two, and the armies of Attila and destroyed or took Bledsoe Roman cities Viminacium , Margus, Sigindunum ( Belgrade ) and Sirmium. After a brief truce in 442 , the Huns renewed their attacks and looting Ratia, Naissus ( Nis ), Serdica ( Sofia ), Philippopolis ( Plovdiv ) and Arcadiopolis. Before the situation became even more critical, the emperor Theodosius II conceded defeat and pledged to give a compensation of 1963 kg of gold to the Huns, in addition to triple the taxes agreed to pay 12 Margus and solids for each Roman prisoner released.

Bleda died in 445 , apparently while hunting with his brother Attila . It has always been speculated that his death was not accidental.

Preceded by:
Ruga     King of the Huns         434-445    

Succeeded by  Attila Android app