The Wikileaks website has advanced filtration over 400,000 secret documents related to actions of the U.S. Army during the war in Iraq where the U.S. stands allegedly knew dozens of cases of torture on prisoners perpetrated by Iraqi police and soldiers, but not investigated, is estimated at more than 100,000 deaths recorded in the Arab country since the invasion (2003) until 2009, and describes the alleged aid made from Iran to Iraqi militias.

The site was founded by Julian Assange has advanced the content of documents simultaneously to international newspapers like the U.S. 'The New York Times, the British' The Guardian 'and the Arab network Al Jazeera.

The Pentagon has already denounced the publication of these documents. "This is secret classified information and was not intended for public display," said Pentagon press secretary, Geoff Morrell, told CNN.

"Our fear is that it puts our troops in greater danger they are exposed to inherently on the battlefield. Exposes our tactics, techniques and procedures, how we operate in the battlefield, how we respond to an attack, our capabilities and our equipment, how we get our sources and how we work with the Iraqis, "said Morrell.

Wikileaks filters more than 400,000 U.S. documents on the Iraq war"It also includes a list of hundreds of names of Iraqis, 300 of which we believe are particularly vulnerable in the light of this leak, and we have notified U.S. forces in Iraq to take steps to protect them," he added.

For its part, the Department of Defense United States expressed its outrage at the leak in a statement. "We deplore the unauthorized disclosure of classified information and not comment on these documents. Are incomplete observations of events that do not reveal whole story. The period covered by these documents has been covered informatively in newspaper reports, books and movies and disclosure of these reports provides no new insight to understand the situation in Iraq. "


U.S. officials knew but failed to investigate hundreds of cases of torture, abuse, rape and murder perpetrated by Iraqi police and soldiers, according to The New York Times.

The six years of reports compiled in this document include references to the deaths of at least six prisoners in Iraqi custody, as well as beatings, burnings and floggings, which according to the newspaper, suggests that "were not an exception."

Many of these have been investigated by the Americans, but most seem to have been ignored. Even when Americans denounced an alleged abuse of Iraqis often not investigated. One report states that a head of Iraqi police refused to file charges "while the abuse did not produce marks" on the victim.

The documents also show that American troops seized more than one occasion of the abuses perpetrated by the Iraqi authorities to obtain information from prisoners.


Wikileaks filtration includes a count of casualties produced by the U.S. Army's figure at 109,032 dead in Iraq, 60 percent of whom are civilians (66,081), 23,984 insurgents, 15,196 members and 3,771 Iraqi government forces members of the coalition forces.

Also, these documents reveal several situations in which U.S. troops killed civilians at checkpoints, helicopters or during operations.


Finally, the documents reveal Iran's alleged role as a supplier of weapons to Iraqi militias. According to reports gathered by Wikileaks, Iran would be provided to these armed groups missiles, magnetic pumps - for use as a pump-lapa - and explosive devices penetrators (EFP, for its acronym in English), able to penetrate armor.

Also, 'The New York Times highlights the improvement to the filtration which has access to many Iraqi militia traveled to neighboring Iran to receive training as a sniper, as well as the use of explosives.

In addition, the branch of the Revolutionary Guards for external operations, Quds Force, had collaborated with Iraqi militants to plan the assassination of Iraqi officials, as highlighted by this newspaper. The Quds would have tried to accomplish two objectives in Iraq: undermining the nascent Iraqi government and diminish the U.S. role in Iraq.

According to information leaked, Iran would have been an important political role in Iraq, supporting certain candidates in the parliamentary elections in December 2005. Android app