Al Qaeda claimed the bomb parcels from Yemen last weekend. It has done in Internet forums that have been translated by the SITE Intelligence Group. According to this source, the messages called for more explosive charges to "widen the circle of its use for civilian and cargo aircraft in the West."
The artifacts were destined for Chicago synagogues in the United States. They were intercepted at airports in East Midlands, United Kingdom, and Dubai in the UAE and firms owned by UPS and FedEx, respectively.
The radical Islamist organization has also been attributed the explosion in a cargo plane UPS company in Dubai last September that killed two crewmen and up to now thought to have been an accident.
In the messages, the Jihadis say that they are not attributed the action to protect President Obama in the face of recent U.S. elections.
Germany and the UK have suspended flights from Yemen. Angela Merkel's government has also called for a debate on security on flights within the European Union could take place during the month of December.