It is a characteristic of the species back pain. Its origin and solution lie, mostly in the postures. That simple. We all have many tickets for a pain to drive us back. One of the common suffering of mankind. Sometimes appear very occasionally, but sometimes become chronic pain lurking mercilessly for the first time to appear.
Experts have dubbed the "lower back condition," "disease of the spine", "lordosis," or "postural kyphosis, but we all know what they mean: the feeling of pain that occurs suddenly, after bending down to pick a package, on waking in the morning, make a special effort or long time after being in the same position.
But back pain because it never appears. The causes can be manifold: personal, inherited or, too often, the result of our tensions and positions. Some pains stem from rigidities of physical or psychological nature, weakness of muscle groups in this area, the stress, sedentary lifestyle, by positions, by the uncomfortable furniture around us ...
The woman is an ideal candidate to suffer this evil. They are the ones often loaded with packages, followed spend hours standing or sitting, ironing, and top it off, wear shoes deadly.
Sometimes there comes a time when the pain is quite unbearable. Then you have to do something. No other choice. It is best to consult a general practitioner or the rheumatologist. Various pills and medicines usually can do little.
Essentially, the cornerstone of any treatment of a sore back, through a series of postures learn, for re-educate our customs and postural habits. When standing or walking you should respect the natural curvature of the spine, dropping most of the body on his heels. Sitting there be no rigid as a stick. The high-heeled shoes should be used as little as possible. As he bent his legs have to bend, squat, not bending the back. The best bed is a mattress and pillow is not ... We must begin to be gradually changing the habits acquired.
Then as the case may have to undergo special treatment. Appear then the heat applications, hydrotherapy and massage. But we must always remember that if not re-educate the habits and attitudes will not be achieved in the long run, nothing effective in fighting back pain.