Address | Our Lady of Health School of Nursing, V.O.C Nagar, Trichy Main Road, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India, 613007 |
Telephone | 04362 – 272210 |
College Type | Nursing College |
University | Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University |
Tags | nursing college, Our Lady of Health |
The Our Lady of Health Hospital was started in 1961, the Our Lady of Health School of Nursing was started in 2007 and the Lady of Health College of Nursing was started in 2008. The College and the School are under the Diocese of Tanjore Society.
Most Rev. Dr. Devadass Ambrose, the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese at Thanjavur and is also the President of the Diocese of Tanjore Society and all the Educational Institutions of the diocese.